lauantai 25. tammikuuta 2014

Mid-Jam design crisis

                      Mid-Jam design crisis

It is about 11 PM on Saturday, a bit over halfway into the jam in other words, when I am looking at a bit of code that Ninja is working on, the code works just fine, but looks a bit odd. I switch two commands around and the code works exactly as I expected but now Ninja reacts to that that makes it a bit odd. We suddenly realize that it is a bit unclear how the game is actually supposed to work. Half the team has a different idea than the other half, which is actually quite interesting since we tried to discuss the game clearly and even decided on details yesterday during our dinner together. Well nothing lost, we gathered most of the team together and discussed about how each had understood the game, and which version would be the best. Since you can't know how a game is without actually playing it, we decided on which version to target first to be able to test if it was any good, and then have the other ideas as fallback.

The first version, which we started to call "Plan A", and the version that Emilia had thought as the original idea, is that all players are the same color. They share a global cooldown for changing colors, so the first player to press a key when the cooldown is gone gets his or hers choice. That means that if the randomly distributed tiles are quite evenly distributed, about 1/4th of the tiles will be available at any time.

The second version, called "Plan B", is that all players can be any color they like, and each has his/her own cooldown. That means that there will be between 1/4 - 4/4 available tiles at all times. For example if we have two blue players and one red, and one of the blue changes from blue to red, nothing happens, but if he/she changes to green, the green tiles will fade in. And if the blue player were to change to yellow, the blue would fade out and the yellow would fade in. This has the possible problem that all tiles will be visible and all players will run for the middle to win the game. However that will get boring pretty quickly, and people have a tendency anyway to try to sabotage for each other in games more than cooperate, so we guess it won't be too big a problem. However it will add some more complexity and make the game a bit more hectic, which is something that we are trying to look for. To make it fun and quit fast paced.

Another thing we thought about was that should it be a last man standing match. That could perhaps be a really short game. The other possibility is that players are continually dying and respawning and then trying again. But since it is a little bit easier to make without the respawning, we decided to go for that, with perhaps a first-to-3-wins system.

So finally we wrote down three hopefully simple and clear rules to get everyone on the same page:
1. Everybody can choose their own color after their _own_ cooldown is over
2. No respawn
3. Winner will be either the one on goal or last survivor alive

- Anders Forsman
Day 1

I arrived a bit late at the venue so I didn't have much time to think of game ideas myself, but luckily there were many great game ideas to choose from. When I saw Emilia's game idea, I got instantly excited about it. It was also simple enough so I believed we could finish the game during the weekend. I've never finished a game during a game jam so I wanted this year to be different! I have also wanted to learn Unity for many years, and we discussed already in the pitching phase that we would probably use Unity in the project. Because our game was about colors, we chose Team Rainbow as our team name.

We also made some other difficult choices such as which pizzas we would like to eat during the weekend (thanks Frogmind for sponsoring them! :)) and where would we be eating during the first evening. We decided to go to the closest pizza/kebab place and discuss about the gameplay plan while eating. When we came back to the venue, we made a todo list for both programmers and artists, installed tools and thought about project sharing options. We started with Copy but ended up using Github.

The game will be awesome because we have a great team and a good idea!

- Ninja Tukiainen

Color Jumper

Color Jumper by Team Rainbow

(Original pitch paper)

"Puzzle game where player has to find away to go from start to goal. But player only sees the same colored platform as he himself is. Change colors, remember colors and platform orders to survive.
In two player game players could either sabotage or help each others.
There could be obstacles like random zone platform that changes the colors of all platform etc."

This was the original idea of my games rough pitch. I wanted to keep it simple but still open for changes and have strong base to carry our ambitious needs for game. I was more than glad to notice that people saw same potential in this idea as I did and even more happy when they decided this would be our game for the weekend. We have 7 and half (sound guy who participates for others groups games too) guys in our randomly hilarious team called Team Rainbow.

Team Rainbow:

Emilia Haanpää - Graphic Designer
Anders Forsman - Programmer
Christoffer "Toffe" Fridlund - Programmer
Ninja Tukiainen - Programmer
Claudio Lins - Artist
Jussi Simpanen - Artist
Maimuna Syed - Programmer
Rudolf Westerholm - Composer/Producer

So we have team and game to make.

Emilia Haanpää